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Cicely Peers graduated with a BA (Hons) in Three Dimensional Design from Manchester School of Art in 2021. She was awarded our Thrown Contemporary Ceramics Award at New Designers 2021 which led to her online solo exhibition 'Infinite Possibilities' in February 2022.

Her practice negotiates the boundaries between the handmade and mass produced, combining modern technologies with the more traditional ceramic techniques of slip casting. Using CAD she has devised a bespoke modular method of constructing segmental moulds for slip cast - an approach which enables her to design parts of great complexity and detail. The innovative method of mould assembly ensures that each piece can be a one-off. She hopes the finished form of her objects will prove visually appealing and make the viewer curious about materiality and the processes involved in their creation.

Her graduate collection ‘The St David’s Collection’ began from the ‘joyous’ medieval encaustic floor tiles in St Davids Cathedral, Wales and studying their patterns and re-interpreting their 2D lines into 3D forms. Upon graduating, Cicely was selected for a highly prized place on a residency at Gudagergaard, Denmark - an international ceramic research centre for the development of ceramic art, craft and design. Here the development of wood-firing and soda-firing  techniques followed on from and intertwined with ‘The St David’s Collection’ while the influence of Danish Architecture began ‘The Guldagergaard Collection’. 


Further attention on her work in this remarkably short time includes selection for the graduate exhibition 'Fresh' at the British Ceramics Biennial 2021 , focusing on "the UK's most talented early-career ceramic artists", and features in publications including the Financial Times, The Design Edit and Ceramics Review.

C U R R E N T   W O R K

M O R E   I M A G E S 

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